Initiate, develop, coordinate, review and advise upon and assist in implementation of policies, procedures, measures and practices designed to give effect to the declaration in section 5 of the Samoan Language Act as an official language of Samoa.
Generally to promote the Samoan language, and in particular, its use as a living language and as an ordinary means of communication.
Develop a strategic plan and a corporate plan for the commission.
Monitor and advise the implementation of its policies and corporate plan.
Consider and report to the Minister upon any matter relating to the Samoan language that the Minister may refer to the Commission for its advice.
Advise the government and the Parliament on Samoan language matters through the Minister.
Carry out consultation on policy development, publicize policies and decisions on the Samoan Language.
Monitor development or changes in the Samoan Language
Provide the interpretation and translation service
Carry out other functions conferred on it under this Act or any other Act.