- The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) invites sealed Bids from eligible Tenderers for the above mentioned tender.
- A pre-bid meeting will be held Monday 5th March 2021 @ 10am at St Paul’s Academy at Tafaigata. For your bid to be considered, this meeting requires compulsory attendance. Only Bids from Tenderers, who attended the pre-bid meeting, will be considered.
- The Bidding Document is in English and a copy can be uplifted from the Corporate Services Division (Finance Unit) during working hours or you can request an e-copy via email to Helamana Autufuga h.autufuga@mesc.gov.ws
- All Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 11.00am on Monday 8th March 2021
Secretary, Tenders Board
Ministry of Finance
Level 4, CBS Building
- Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidder or the Bidder’s Authorized Representative who will attend in person at the address above. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.
- Interested Tenderers may obtain further information from the MESC contact person, Relina Stowers-Neemia, or via email r.neemia@mesc.gov.ws or on telephone 64608.
Ma le fa’aaloalo lava,

Afamasaga Dr. Karoline Afamasaga – Fuata’i