As the MESC and all teachers and students in Years 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 13, ready themselves for the upcoming Nationals, the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture (MESC) are also ensuring that every health precaution and safeguard will be in place whilst the world is battling its way through the COVID-19 pandemic. MESC will make certain that safe management measures will continue to be implemented in all venues during the national examinations and that candidates/students showing symptoms of flu, will be fairly assessed and if need be, sent home to recover.
The Samoa National Primary Assessments 2020 for SPELL Year 2, 4 & 6, as well as the Samoa Primary Education Certification of Achievement (SPECA) for Year 8 will both commence on the 30 November, 2020 and ends Friday 04 December (see Table 1 below).
Table 1: Timetable Schedule for 2020 Primary National Examinations

Our National Primary Examinations for lower-primary levels will see approximately 5,930 students sitting the Year 2 tests for Numera (Mathematics) and Gagana Samoa. Similarly, a total of 5,670 and 4,980 students will sit the SPELL Year 4 & 6 in the 4 literacies i.e. Numeracy, English, Gagana Samoa and Science.
For the Samoa Primary Education Certification of Achievement (SPECA), a total of 4,400 Year 8 students will be assessed on their knowledge and skills acquired at the end of primary education for all 7 subjects of the Samoa National Primary Curriculum.
Due to the impact of SOE for COVID19, the National Secondary Examinations has been postponed to December 07 – 17th. These examinations target Year12 and Year13 students from all 41 Colleges sitting their Samoa School Certificate (SSC) and the Samoa School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) exams respectively.
More than 4,000 students are expected to sit the Samoa School Certificate (SSC) exam, and the Samoa Secondary Leaving Certificate (SSLC).
School Inspectors and School Principals are all playing crucial roles in the supervision and monitoring of the national assessment implementation processes. Their role is key in ensuring the smooth and successful administration of the 2020 national examinations.
For parents, please note that timetables and schedules for secondary examinations have already been distributed to schools and that these can also be accessed on the MESC website