The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture partners with UNDP/UNESCO to implement ‘The Spotlight Initiative’ which is a global partnership to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG), including harmful practices.
MESC invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Technical Assistance to be the Gender-Based Violence/Domestic Violence Training of Trainers Consultant for this project. This consultant will;
- Conduct a Training Needs Analysis for Principals, Teachers and non-teaching staff in selected schools in relation to GBV/DV/IPV with guidance from MESC and UNESCO and having regard to the findings of the school-based research on GBV/DV/IPV.
- Design and develop a Train the Trainer Program for Principals, Teachers and Non-teaching staff on GBV/DV/IPV based on the Training Needs Analysis.
- In collaboration with MESC, organize and conduct the Training of Trainer Program for selected participants inclusive of Principals, Teachers and Non-teaching staff.
- Provide a report on the Training of Trainer Program including the analysis of pre and post training assessments.
Interested candidates must uplift a copy of terms of Reference and other details from the Curriculum Design and Materials Division of the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture at Malifa.
All EOIs should include the following:
- Cover Letter
- Response to selection Criteria
- Technical and Financial Proposal
- Updated CV
All EOIs must be submitted by 4.00pm on Friday the 19th of March, 2021. For queries, please contact Samasoni Moala or Asiata Melvin Solomona on telephone 64601/64600 or email or

Afamasaga Dr. Karoline Afamasaga – Fuata’i