The scheduled release of the 2018 SSLC results on 11 January 2019 was met with expectant and eagerness by principals nationwide, eager to find out just how well their students fared. Parents also have been inundating telephone lines wanting to determine options for their children particularly, those moving on to NUS Foundation Year whose official 2019 enrolment has been brought forward by a fortnight to Wednesday 16th January 2019. The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) is satisfied that it has accomplished its primary goal which was to ensure a timely and efficient transfer of SSLC results on January 11th thereby allowing sector partners, principals and in particular NUS, time to facilitate the earlier 2019 enrolment .
The Hon. Loau Keneti Sio Solamalemalo, Minister of MESC endorsed the National results for release to principals on Friday 11th January. The Hon. Minister noted with approval the critical changes in the 2018 examinations which targeted higher level learning skills of students such as critical thinking and problem solving attributes. This strategy is all part and parcel of MESC’s overall shift to outcomes based education to ensure learners are adept and productive with technological advancements of the 21st century and global climate change.
With the many new initiatives taking place in schools, the 2018 SSLC results were reassuring and indicated positive changes are happening in our classrooms. Subjects under the microscope would include Mathematics and English and although a slight drop in the latter, it was pleasing to note that steady improvements have been made over the past 4 years in Mathematics. Gagana Samoa has continued to be a high scoring subject for students and indicates not only its popularity but also that Samoan language and culture is being preserved and valued in schools. In the Sciences, Chemistry and Biology showed slight improvements yet Physics a slight drop. For those wanting to find out more on the National results and what the statistics reveal about teaching and learning in Samoan schools, MESC’s annual conference on the 21st January 2019, is the place to be. Interestingly enough an apt theme to pre-empt the national results …’Measure what we value and value what we measure’ or ‘Fua vaega ua faatauaina, faataua vaega ua fuaina’.
A total of 1752 students sat the SSLC in 2018 in which 18 subjects were examined. The SSLC results are informative and no doubt for the MESC and college principals, they will be keen to examine and identify ‘success’ (or ‘non-success’) of strategies and learning implemented in previous years.
The results released are provisional only and enable students to apply for a subject recount if they wish. The period for recounts officially closes on Wednesday 23 January 2019. Final result slips and Certificates, will be made available to Principals in February for parents and/or students to uplift.